Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Business Etiquett: A Guide for the Indian Professional

Fast-paced globalization has put India in the centre of the business world. Indian executives fly frequently to different parts of the world and mingle with citizens from various cultures. Business Etiquette: A Guide for The Indian Professional explores the various aspects that are necessary for Indian businessmen to fit into the global business environment.

As rightly said, an organization is known by the kind of people running the show. The book explains how an individual's reputation is of prime importance for an organization to clinch deals in the global setting. How one unknowing mistake by an individual reflects on the organization's balance sheets needs to be understood by the personnel. The book tells us the importance of sharp people skills and highlights the basics of good mannerisms such as appearance, behavior and communication.

The chapters are divided into verbal communication, non-verbal communication and techno-etiquettes which are necessary to conduct businesses in a multicultural atmosphere. The book emphasizes on the importance of good language skills, advanced vocabulary, creative thinking, the power of voice, body language, smart humor and everything else that makes you a global ambassador for the business that you represent. It also discusses various other topics like networking, making a mark, handling a difficult boss, appropriate dressing. and sexual harassment.

Business Etiquette: A Guide for The Indian Professional teaches us how to create an impression for ourselves globally while keeping the racial, gender and cultural diversities in mind. The book was published by HarperCollins in 2012 and is available in paperback format.

Key Features:

The book emphasizes on the basics that need to be inculcated by every individual trying to make a mark in the global business platform.
The book has been declared as part of a Top Ten Business Bestseller list after having sold more than 15,000 copies.

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